/* * * */ Corallo Esclusivo – XAVIAN

Corallo Esclusivo

Our Ambra Esclusiva in a more compact form thanks to the closed enclosure concept. The audiophile concept fits perfectly in smaller spaces and atypical positions near walls, in bookshelves and other situations where bassreflex might be causing problems. Handmade enclosures are avaiable in six luxurious finishes and made of solid oak wood with excellent rigidity, their organic shapes easily fit into any interior.

Corallo Esclusivo is fitted exclusively with AudioBarletta drivers that are designed and manufactured by us in Italy for use in this model. Sophisticated frequency crossover with drivers in serial connection thanks to Fase Zero topology uses premium components from Jantzen and Mundorf and ensures precise phasing of both drivers for perfect coherence and focused listening.

We preserved the aesthetic and sophisticated refinement of the Ambra Esclusiva, but moved the sound closer to the ideal of audiophile authenticity, where Corallo Esclusivo mixes the precision of the performance with musical richness.


  • custom-designed AudioBarletta drivers made in Italy
  • hand-made and extremely rigid construction of solid oak cabinets
  • exceptional full-bodied and vibrant sound
  • organic shapes on a compact footprint, suitable for any space
  • six finishes to choose from
  • sealed enclosure for easy placement
  • drivers connected in series with Fase Zero topology
  • premium audio components by Mundorf
  • precise internal damping system with complementary materials


* apply only in selected areas, for the complete list of distributors please click here

Pro více informací a dostupnosti nás kontaktujte na e-mail info@xavian.cz For more information and availability contact us via e-mail info@xavian.cz
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Our Ambra Esclusiva in a more compact form thanks to the closed enclosure concept. The audiophile concept fits perfectly in smaller spaces and atypical positions near walls, in bookshelves and other situations where bassreflex might be causing problems. Handmade enclosures are avaiable in six luxurious finishes and made of solid oak wood with excellent rigidity, their organic shapes easily fit into any interior.

Corallo Esclusivo is fitted exclusively with AudioBarletta drivers that are designed and manufactured by us in Italy for use in this model. Sophisticated frequency crossover with drivers in serial connection thanks to Fase Zero topology uses premium components from Jantzen and Mundorf and ensures precise phasing of both drivers for perfect coherence and focused listening.

We preserved the aesthetic and sophisticated refinement of the Ambra Esclusiva, but moved the sound closer to the ideal of audiophile authenticity, where Corallo Esclusivo mixes the precision of the performance with musical richness.


  • custom-designed AudioBarletta drivers made in Italy
  • hand-made and extremely rigid construction of solid oak cabinets
  • exceptional full-bodied and vibrant sound
  • organic shapes on a compact footprint, suitable for any space
  • six finishes to choose from
  • sealed enclosure for easy placement
  • drivers connected in series with Fase Zero topology
  • premium audio components by Mundorf
  • precise internal damping system with complementary materials
Mid Bass Frequency Unit

175 mm AudioBarletta – impregnated paper membrane – aluminium phase plug – cast basket – low distortion magnetic structure

High Frequency Unit

AudioBarletta – 29 mm voice coil with flat aluminium wire, soft dome, thick copper ring in “motor”, extreme ceramic magnet, labyrinth inside chamber, front die cast chassis with controlled dispersion


two-way sealed cabinet, Mundorf capacitors and resistors, high precision audio parts, exclusive Fase Zero crossover topology


handmade of massive oak wood, internally damped by bituminous desks, fabric and foam layers

Frequency Response

( -3dB in reference axis): 59 – 20000 Hz


1 pair of gold-plated Xavian terminals


8 Ohm

Crossover Frequency

2500 Hz

Sensitivity ( 2,83V / 1m )

87 dB

Recommended Amplification

30 – 120 W

Dimensions (HxWxD)

355 x 230 x 236 mm

Weight (1 Piece)

10 kg

7 reviews for Corallo Esclusivo

  1. :

    “Xavian Corallo Esclusivo jsou černým koněm současné nabídky firmy. Jsou nádherným dřevěným objektem, který je příjemné mít doma, jsou dost kompaktní, aby jejich ozvučnice mohly stát na prakticky libovolném místě v interiéru a jejich koncept je pojatý tak, že právě tak i dobře funguje. Co víc si do běžného domova vlastně přát? Až audiofilsky spořádaná, konturovaná a čitelná reprodukce drží pohromadě právě tak jak má, nezapomíná ale ani na to kouzlo bohaté barevné harmoničnosti Xavian, díky němuž je kdykoliv příjemné poslouchat prakticky cokoliv. Corallo Esclusivo mají své podmínky (třeba vhodně zvolenou velikost místnosti nebo co nejlepší možný zesilovač), ale nejsou nijak nesplnitelné a v proporci ke své cenové třídě jsou další zářivou hvězdou souhvězdí Xavian. Vřele doporučujeme…”

    Review online (CZ): https://www.hifi-voice.com/testy-a-recenze/reprosoustavy-regalove/2617-xavian-corallo-esclusivo

  2. :

    “To otwarte, niebywale dynamiczne, dokładne kolumny, które potrafią pokazać duży wolumen dźwięku – to dlatego swingowe orkiestry i orkiestry symfoniczne zabrzmiały z nimi tak dobrze, tak wciągająco. Nie wyrównują dźwięku poszczególnych płyt, dlatego gorzej zarejestrowane nagrania nie zagrają tak dobrze, jak nagrania porządne. Ale nie ma się czym martwic, bo to nie są konstrukcje, które by „rozbierały” dźwięk na czynniki pierwsze bez instrukcji, jak go złożyć. Proponują duży, gęsty, świetnie wyrównany barwowo przekaz o wysokiej dynamice. W dodatku mówimy o rękodziele najwyższej próby.”

    Review online (PL): http://highfidelity.pl/@main-3728&lang=

  3. :

    “My first experience of a Xavian loudspeaker has put the brand in a very positive light; its quality-first approach to component and cabinet selection has resulted in a very engaging and coherent loudspeaker that works a treat even in larger spaces than it was intended for. If you like your listening to be intimate and enthralling the Corallo Esclusivo is a real treat.”

    Review in PDF (EN)

  4. :

    “Môžem pokojne povedať, že išlo o jeden z najlepších posluchov reproduktorov firmy Xavian. Zladenie zostavy a priestoru ich posunuli o dve kategórie vyššie. Hneď na prvé počutie bolo jasné, že pri tejto zostave ide o silnú symbiózu. Keď chcete vedieť, čo repráky Xavian dokážu, určite sa vyberte si ich vypočuť do tohto štúdia. A keď hľadáte malé uzavreté stojanovky, tak jasná voľba. ”

    Review in PDF (SK)

  5. :

    “Here we have competently designed, beautifully crafted, excellently engineered loudspeakers which offer decent value for money in a package elegant enough to grace any home. They are easy to drive, have a decent frequency response, handle most music types well and create a sonic sensation that is such a joy to listen to.

    There is more than a hint of ‘professional’ studio monitor quality to the overall balance which is smooth, without undue preference to any part of the frequency spectrum. Performers were not forced into my lap in what is a so-annoying trait of some speakers, but the listener enjoys a well-balanced performance which appears natural and unforced. What is there not to like about them. Best of all, they come in a compact package at an affordable price. I would happily live with these speakers, and that is probably the highest endorsement a reviewer can give.”

    Review online (EN)

  6. :

    „For various reasons, partly beyond my control, I hosted the Xavian Corallo Esclusivo in my system for several months. It gave me an opportunity to listen to them a lot more than it is possible with most reviewed speakers. It was not the only advantage of the situation, other was being able to pair them with various amplifiers, my own and reviewed ones, as well as with some other components (reviewed in the meantime) that temporarily replaced my own ones. Even after such a long time (for a test, I mean) I didn’t have enough of these small beauties. I would even say that my respect and affection for them grew with each passing week. I have a certain weakness for stand mount speakers, because although the sound is not as complete (in the sense of a scale and limited band extension, mainly in the lower end) as with floorstanders, it is different, but this particular difference seems to appeals to me in a special way. Coherency, natural flow of music, great dynamics, precision, clarity, bass differentiation and tightness rarely observed with bass-reflex designs, the ability to completely disappear from the room, spaciousness and openness of sound are still only some of the numerous advantages of the Corallo Esclusivo. These are fantastic sounding speakers small to medium-size rooms and their make&finish are on par with many much more expensive competitors. What more could you expect from your speakers?!“

    Complete review ONLINE

  7. :

    „Corallo Esclusivo to kolumny z duszą, prezentujące się po prostu wybornie. W parze z kunsztem wykonania idzie również jakość dźwięku, charakterystyczna dla dotychczasowych dokonań Roberto Barletty i jego ekipy. Brzmienie zmierza w kierunku nasyconego w barwy przekazu, mieniącego się pełną paletą barw i to nie tylko w średnicy czy w górnych rejestrach, ale również w basie. Nie jest on może wyśrubowany pod względem głębi czy masy, ale za to piekielnie wyrafinowany, przenikliwy i zdolny pokazać zaskakująco rozdzielcze granie w przypadku wszystkich instrumentów operujących w paśmie niskich tonów. I to jest właśnie przewaga kolumn wyposażonych w zamknięte obudowy.

    Brak bas-refleksu sprawia, że są łatwe w ustawieniu, więc znalezienie dla nich optymalnego ustawienia w pokoju odsłuchowym, nie przysporzy problemów. Żeby jednak uzyskać pełnię możliwości tych kolumn w zakresie stereofonii, zdecydowanie zalecam ustawienie ich na podstawkach, najlepiej drewnianych.“

    Complete review ONLINE

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